User research
Stay close to your customers, prospects and users.
Work with us to meet your users and build better products and services.
Contact our expertsUser research
Work with us to meet your users and build better products and services.
Contact our expertsMaximize your chances of success by involving your internal and external stakeholders right from the design phase. The key to viability and feasibility lies in mobilizing your ecosystem.
Take a fresh look at your products and analyze their performance. We'll help you get rid of preconceived ideas about your users as early as possible, so you can create products and services that really suit their needs.
Nothing beats the spontaneity and authenticity of a first discovery. We create the right conditions to offer your target audience a prototype so that you can iterate on an idea or concept as quickly as possible.
According to a study by Forrester Research, for every €1 invested in User Research, the return on investment is around €100.
... by observing and interviewing your customers to reassess the priorities of a redesign like Foodette's.
...by defining the key features to be designed first, as in the Studi case.
... to rapidly validate the product orientations resulting from the design sprint, as we did with the Rhine locks.
... by identifying ways of improving the user experience, as we did with Ledger.
Haigo has helped us to change our mindset at Salomon: we're now thinking first and foremost of consumers, rather than anchoring ourselves in technical solutions.
Anthony Gautier
Marketing Manager at Salomon
We would be delighted to help you with your projects.